Join Our Herd

Help Us Change Lives—We Need Horses!

At WindWalkers, we see firsthand the incredible impact horses have on people’s lives. Right now, we have skilled instructors, eager participants, and a community ready to grow—but we need more equine partners to make it happen!

Over the past few years, we’ve had to say goodbye to some of our beloved herd members due to age and health, and to keep up with the growing demand for our programs, we need to welcome four new horses into our program. Could your horse be the next hero in our herd?

What We’re Looking For

We’re seeking calm, well-mannered horses between the ages of 10–18 who are:

  • Experienced: Ranch, trail, dressage, general-purpose riding, or other disciplines welcome.
  • Versatile in Size: From ponies to sturdy half-draft horses.
  • Sound in Mind & Body: Physically healthy, able to walk, trot, and canter, and comfortable working with a variety of people.
  • Well-Mannered: Easy to handle, tie, groom, stand for the farrier, and adaptable to different environments.
  • Physically Fit: Able to carry riders with varying abilities, including those with limited balance or strength. The horse should be able to work up to four days per week, three sessions per day.

Please note: We are unable to accept horses with laminitis, severe health conditions, or specialized medical needs.

Ways to Help

We welcome both full donations and free-lease options (with the possibility of returning your horse to your care when it’s time for retirement). As an organization committed to the highest standards of care, we guarantee that every horse in our program receives a safe, loving, and purposeful home.

Your Impact

By donating or leasing a horse to WindWalkers, you’re not just providing a home—you’re giving someone the opportunity to build confidence, gain independence, and experience the healing power of horses.

If you have a horse that fits our needs—or know someone who does—please reach out to us! And if you can’t help directly, sharing this message could make all the difference.

Thank you for being part of our mission—together, we’re changing lives, one hoof beat at a time. For further details on our horse selection process, or to donate a horse our program, please call Beth Gusick at 970-963-2909.

Therapeutic Horse Selection Process

Prior to accepting a horse for trial as a therapeutic riding horse, WindWalkers will take the following steps:

Step 1: A phone interview with the owner to discuss the horse’s abilities, personality, training and soundness. At this time, we will notify the owner of our process. The phone interview can be done by any WindWalkers staff person with follow-up as necessary by the Equine Specialist. Staff will complete the phone interview form and it will become part of the horse’s permanent record.

Step 2: A WindWalkers team (not less than two people, of which one is a WWs staff person) will do an off-site visit to evaluate and ride the horse. The owner will be given a WindWalkers information packet and a copy of the trial period agreement. Staff will complete the off-site evaluation form for the horse’s record.

Step 3: Good candidates for the program will need to have a Vet soundness check (at the owner’s expense). If the horse passes the Vet check, a current Coggins test (within six-months) will be required prior to the horse coming onto the Ranch. Additionally, the horse’s hooves need to be in good condition, preferably having seen a farrier in the past 30 days. If farrier work is required prior to our trying the horse for the program, the owner will be responsible for that expense.

Step 4: The horse will come to WindWalkers for a 60 day trial. Staff will complete the Trial Horse Evaluation Forms.